The Way

The Way is immediate presence.
-The Secret of the Golden Flower

Naturalness is called the Way.
The Way has no name or form,
it is just the essence, just the primal spirit.
The Secret of the Golden Flower

The Way is present before our eyes,
yet what is before our eyes
is hard to understand.
-The Secret of the Golden Flower

Not understanding the Way before your eyes,
How do you know the path you walk?
-The Sandokai

The great Way shines in our heart;
with wisdom we may understand its nature.
-Loy Ching-Yuen

The Way is not a matter of knowing
or not knowing.
-Zen Saying

The Way is perfect like vast space,
where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess.
-Third Great Ancestor of Zen

We must find the Middle Way,
without going to one side or the other,
but bringing the two together.
-Taisen Deshiimaru

When one who is lost
understands that he must turn back,
he is not far from having found the Way.
-Zen Saying

The best way is always the most natural way,
for it is the shortest.
-Hans-Ulrich Rieker

With a proper heart we master the Way naturally.
-Loy Ching-Yuen

Ordinary mind
is the way.
-A Zen Forest

Your everyday mind - that is the Way!

It is not enough to know the Way;
we must travel it.
-Alice H. Rice

All know the Way.
Few actually walk it.

The Great Way is very easy,
but all love the bypaths.
-Zen Saying

To study the Way is to study the self.

The Buddhas do but tell the Way,
it is for you to swelter at the task.

To truly master the Way
we must pass through all life's hellish cycles.
-Loy Ching-Yuen

Here we are, in the midst of this perfect Way,
and our practice is simply to realize it
and then to actualize it in our everyday life.
-Taizan Maezumi

There is no alternative
to practicing the Way.
-Franklin Jones, "Da Free John"

When the mind is disciplined,
then the Way can work for us.
-Loy Ching-Yuen

With mindful practice
We may achieve no-mind,
the deepest secret of the Way.
-Loy Chin-Yuen

Desire that has no desire is the Way.
-Loy Chin-Yuen

There is only one Way -
straight, open and utterly free of obstructions.

The essence of the Way is detachment.

One who walks the Way
sees not the faults of the world.

I have not mental processes that would be of use,
and no Way to follow.
-Hui Hai

The beauty of the Way is that there is no "way".
-Loy Ching-Yuen

There are ways
but the Way is uncharted.
-Taoist Saying

The Great Way has no gate;
there are a thousand paths to it.
If you pass through the barrier,
you walk the universe alone.